Monday, 1 December 2014

BBAHotShots Evictions: Day 56 – ByeBye, Goitse and Ellah Evicted!

E! News: BBAHotShots Evictions: Day 56 – ByeBye, Goitse and Ellah Evicted!

 Goitse and Ellah were the second eviction of the night, making them the 17th and 18th housemates to be given the boot. It was time to bid these gorgeous belles a hearty farewell as they were so close yet sadly so far. With only a week to go to the finale, this was a tough eviction but the dames walked the plank with style and grace.

Sipe wins_med
Following her countrymate’s earlier exit Goitse was the second and last remaining Botswanan in the house. Sheillah had become her competion in the game as their countrymen would be split and spoilt for choice. For only a glimmering moment there it looked like she had won them over but her turn was here.

The cool, calm and collected Goitse always treaded with composure. And it was with the very same measure that she accepted her fate as her name was announced alongside Ellah’s. Sipe’s jaw dropped and not so much Idris as she handed out her goodbye hugs and kisses. Goitse walked out wrapped in her nation’s flag. Later on Sipe could be seen wiping the tears from her eyes.

With the most number of nominations in the season and after being saved all those many times, Uganda’s beauty queen Ellah had reached her end and the time had finally come for her burning fire to be extinguished. Her frequent appearance on the nominations list – followed by the fact that Africa was always saving her – positioned her as a strong contender and thus threat in the game and it was for this that Macky2 added her.
Looking as dashing as ever Ellah, adjusted her mini skirt, flicked her luscious locks off her shoulder and hit the road. She flew her flag high and glided onto the stage just like the beauty queen she is. Her beau Idris squeezed her in a longing hug goodbye while her buddy Butterphly yelled “I love you!” which she reciprocated.

Ellah wished all the housemates the best and commended Macky2 for being bold, while Goitse joked and said they would be bored without her. Idris’ “wives” confirmed that Ellah was his wife for now but Goitse was not about that life.

Fally Ipupa sung the evictees onto stage with
a proudly African offering with a modern edge. Both gals had a lot to be proud of and could each hang the accolade of being a Big Brother Hotshots contender on their wall of achievements

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