Monday, 24 August 2015

Man Whose Penis Was Ripped Off as a Child Now Has 8 Inch Bionic Replacement in Epic Surgery

I've got a bionic I need to use it - A Virgin whose penis was ripped off in road horror accident when he was just 6-years old, is now fitted with 8inch replacement.
The 43-year-old virgin, Mohammed Abad, who had his penis sliced off in a horror road accident when he was 6-years old, has undergone 100 operations to re-equip himself with a member.  

The security guard has been fitted with an 8-inch penis sculpted from his arm which works when he presses a button connected to his testicles. He only has to squeeze his testes when he is looking to inflate his makeshift manhood.
He now finally got a shaft to shout about after surgeons at University College London gave him a bionic penis. The sexual device contains two tubes which fill up using liquid from his stomach, allowing him to gain an erection.

That process is started by the push of a button which is connected to his scrotum, with another switch draining the penis after use. Molding and attaching it took three years, with doctors using a skin graft from Mohammed's arm to line its shaft.
The skin and fat from his forearm was removed to create the new penis, which was then attached during an 11-hour operation.

Speaking to The Sun, Mohammed said: "When you want a bit of action you press the "on" button. When you are finished you press another button. It takes seconds. Some ladies might want to try it out."
Although he could feel when he’s urinating, he described the whole area as very sensitive. However, he is now fully equipped with a penis that he is happy to touch. "Doctors have told me to keep practising," Mohammed added.

Source: DailyMail
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