Mazi Okolo the drunk and Nnadozie picked offence on the choice of the gods to leave the girl child alive, so they plotted and paid the a visit laying false accusation on the Chief priest and Mazi Ukandu, in the depth of the night they both planned to visit the igwe and sell their devious idea to him, they choose the depth of the night when the rest of the council of chiefs would be in their various huts brooding with their wives.
It was in the depth of the night as the igwe sat with Anichebe the heir to his throne, chewing Kolanut copiously as he narrated tales of war conquered to him, the young prince and his father has been inseparable since his birth, its been three harvesting season since his birth, the palace guard walked into the obi as he took a bow before the igwe and the young prince
“My king, Mazi Okolo and Nnadozie seek your attention”
He was startled at such announcement as he turned to the young prince and signalled him to go inside as he turned his gaze to the palace guard and asked
“Did they make their intentions known to you?”
“No my kind, the words meant for a king would char the ears, I couldn’t dare ask them such question” the guard answered with a bow
“Bring them in” the igwe spoke in a very commanding tone
Mazi Okolo lead the way into the place as he tried to guard his steps for it would be of great insult to the throne that you talk to the king reeking of alcohol, Mazi Nnadozie followed closely as they both bowed their head when the stood in front of the king, not wasting their precious time Mazi Okolo decided to let the Igwe know their reason of coming to the palace at the depth of the night as he cleared his throat and then began
“Igwe may the ceaseless knowledge of our ancestor never be far from you, may your reign know no taboo, may it…”
He was cut short by the igwe
“Ahh Okolo, you and this your honey coated tongue, skip all these flattery and tell me the reason why your here for anxiety has wearied my ears”
Mazi Nnadozie smile from where he was stand and then Mazi Okolo used his hand to wipe the trickles of sweat on his face and then started to talk
“Igwe is it not the budding leaves of yam that would pave way for the yam to grow?, Am giving accolades to whom it is due, but if you say I should stop I will stop”
And their was general laughter between the trio of them as Igwe looked at Mazi Okolo with admiration and chipped in few words
“Okolo I say continue o! you never cease to amaze me”
And then Mazi Okolo continued
“Igwe let our emotion laddened heart not make us throw away our custom and tradition that has been guiding us since, I choose to bury my head in alcohol for most times thats the only way I can retain sanity”
Mazi Nnadozie who was standing at a corner when Mazi Okolo stepped forward and began to talk felt he was not being straight with his talks and then decided to go straight to the crux of the matter
“Igwe what Aneke the chief priest did today at the shrine was an eye opener to all, how can he twart our culture right in front of us, Igwe you need to look into this matter before the wrath of the gods fall ontop us”
Igwe was silent for a very long time as Mazi Okolo and Nnadozie stood still looking at themselves in surprise, he looked at the moon and then said
“I see sense in what you guys have just said, I will make my decisions known to the council of elders tomorrow”
Both Mazi Okolo and Nnadozie walked out of the palace smiling to thenselves
“My hands are clean! OraUkwu the vultures have decided to devour the carcass of a helpless victim, my hands is clean o nekwe num”
That was the chief priest saying as the council of elders had conived and barnished Mazi Ukandu and his wife Beekee for refusal to release the baby to be sacrificed.
Mazi Ukandu was forced to sit on the ground while his fellow council of elders humilated him and passed judgement on him,
“Let him go! A curse man has nothing to bring to us but sorrow” Mazi Nnadozie howled from the crowd.
As the palace guards led them out of the palace to the outskirt of the village, in the bitterness of hearts as Mazi Ukandu held his wife by the hand and trying to console her as he turned, bent down and packed sand and lifted it up and cursed his motherland
“Whoever my sorrow gives joy let him have sorrow in hundreds folds, May the real reason my daughters life was spared never hide but manifest in its full potentials”
Credit: Husband Material