Friday, 24 July 2015

14-year Old Boy Rapes Teenage Girl and Sets Her on Fire to Destroy Evidence

A 14 year old boy and his accomplices have been arrested after he led a gang to rob, rape and burn the body of a 16 year old girl.
A wicked minded 14 year old boy, Raeshawn Rivers, has been arrested and charged for the brutal rape and murder of a 16 year old girl, Arnesha Bowers.
Raeshawn reportedly raped her viciously and after the evil act, he set her body on fire, the Maryland Police in USA say.
The boy and two of his accomplices, according to investigators, have been charged with murder, rape, arson and being gang members, after the charred body of Bowers was found in a burned house on Sunday.
The other suspects are 23-year-old Adonay Dixon and 20-year-old John Childs, who were accused of breaking into the girl’s house, sexually assaulting her, stealing cash and setting her and the house on fire.
According to the police investigation, after Bowers was sexually assaulted, her private parts were set on fire in an effort to destroy evidence.
Rivers told the police that he committed the crime so that he would be able to join the gang.
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