Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Man ‘beheads Mother before jumping in front of a train’ | SEE

MAN is said to have killed himself by jumping in front of a speeding train just after he beheaded a woman and left her body in the street.

The unidentified man allegedly cut off the woman’s head inside her apartment in Farmingdale, Long Island, USA, before dragging it outside and leaving it in full view of her neighbours.

He is said to have then KICKED the severed head about 20 feet before throwing himself in front of a train about 25 minutes later.
The woman, who was thought to be in her 60s, was discovered by shocked neighbours – and some of them thought it was a Halloweeen prank.
Nick Gordon told the New York Post: “I looked through my window and saw the body down there
“I saw the lady laying right in front and her head was across the street, close to the corner.”
He added: “There was blood all over the floor. “You can see smears going down the stairs… as if somebody were pulling a body.”
Police believe the woman was the man’s mother
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