Tuesday, 7 March 2017

The Photos of This Beautiful 21-year-old "Ashley Fisher" Who Has Just One Arm Will Melt Your Heart

Here's a beautiful story of Ashley who lost her arm when she was a year old, but 20 years later, she's been strong and living well, and even has a daughter!
Ashley Fisher
The beautiful photos of a 21-year-old lady, Ashley Fisher, a South Carolina, US-based mother-of-one who lost her arm when she was just a year old, have emerged online and have also melted millions of hearts on social media.
Ashley is yet another story of a survivor as 20 years after she lost one of her arms, she’s been strong and living very happy with her adorable daughter.
Ashley and her daughter
Read Ashley's beautiful story below and see more of her photos below:
“When i lost my arm i was like 1 year old, I don’t really remember much of anything. I don’t ever remember myself having 2 arms. I don’t talk about it with my family because i consent that they don’t feel comfortable talking about it, so I don’t want to force anyone to talk about it if i am not that pressed to talk about it. 

"It doesn’t really bother me. I am fine the way i am and i like the way i am. I was told i fell out of a moving car and the doctors couldn’t save my arm. Some people feel that i need to know the whole story but i am fine, i have been doing pretty good. I have made it this far, so yea, i am fine!

"When i was young, the other kids were so mean and they still are mean, but they were just being kids. I expected people to understand but now i know it is not so often that you see people with one arm and i had to realize that these little kids are shocked or some don’t have home training as their parents didn’t teach them how to act when it comes to being around people who are different,”  Ashley said.
Ashley has a daughter, Abigael and she intends to teach her how to accept that her mommy is different, just like her grand pa had taught her.
Ashley & her daughter
See more beautiful photos of Ashley below;

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