Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Dear Men, This is How to Know If You Have Erectile Dysfunction and Seek Help (Must Read)

How many times during the last four weeks did you have the feeling that your bladder wasn't completely emptied after urination? This article will be extremely helpful to many men.
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Men fear the thought of having erectile dysfunction at any point in their lives. This is because it literally makes them feel useless, even to themselves!
Experts say if a man has an occasional problem achieving an erection, it is really nothing to worry about. However, if he is having a problem more than half of the time when trying to have sexual intercourse, he should make an appointment with his doctor.
Many things can make a man experience erectile dysfunction, and they include lack of sleep, illness, diabetes, heart conditions or emotional stress.
Contrary to what many — including men — think, the penis doesn’t just rise up to the occasion immediately a man thinks of s*x or even when he sees a stimulating sight, such as a woman’s naked body.
Rather, an erection is a result of several conditions that must work together for anything to happens, urologists say.
So, how do you know if you have erectile dysfunction? These ways…
• How many times during the last four weeks did you have the feeling that your bladder wasn’t completely emptied after urination?
• How many times during the last four weeks did you have to urinate another time within two hours?
• How many times during the last four weeks did it happen that you had to stop urination a few times just to restart again after a few seconds (sputtering out rather than a regular stream)?
• How many times during the last 4 weeks did you have difficulties to delay urinating?
• How many times during the last 4 weeks did you have a soft jet of urine during urination?
• How many times during the last 4 weeks did you have to press or strain yourself to start with urination?
• How confident are you about getting an erection and keeping it up?
• If you had an erection during sexual stimulation, how often was it strong enough to insert your penis?
• How many times were you able to keep up your erection after inserting your penis during s*x?
• How difficult was it to keep up your erection until the end of your sexual intercourse?
• In recent times, do you have less sex with my partner because you’re afraid of not getting an erection or not being able to keep it up?
• Compared with three to five years ago, is it distinctly more difficult to get and/or keep up an erection?
• Do you feel tension/nervousness before having s*x?
• During sex, do you intentionally check the strength of your erection?
• During orgasm, is your penis still very hard?
• Do you smoke, suffer from diabetes or heart disease?
The bottom line: Your answers should tell you whether or not you need to see the doctor without delay.
Source: Counselling Office.


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