Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Erotic S*x Story: Ifeanyi's Naughty Evening at the Office Turns Into S*xual Orgy with Co-staff

Oyinda and Ifeanyi were having an erotic conversation with their colleagues, and it degenerated to locking themselves in for an office orgy.
File photo used for illutrative purposes only
“How much dick can you take, be there forming badoo?” Ifeanyi smiled as he asked Loveth.
“Please don’t even go there. I can’t tell you how much, you would have to find that out yourself someday” was the reply, which attracted a lot of cheers from their coworkers.
How an innocent office afternoon had turned into a heated s*xual discussion was a question no one could answer. No one asked the question which translates to; they were all enjoying the topic.
It had been a long time coming with all the side comments on the ladies’ boobs and ass and which guy had the perfect body or which was hiding the biggest dick beneath. It was Ifeanyi’s turf and he was definitely enjoying every moment of it.
He had been waiting for this day when everyone would get open minded, he really had a couple of things to get off his chest.
“It is a very simple question, how much dick can you take? No be mouth mouth” He continued laying down the bait.
“Abi oh, make we even see if you are capable” Kunle, his coworker and best friend added more fuel. He could see where Ifeanyi was headed and he was more than ready to go with him.
“Well to be honest, we are all grownups here. So why not let us have a test practical?” Tess chipped in.
She had barely said a word all through the talks and gists. She had just sat on the edge of her table laughing and smiling when need be. Ifeanyi had always had an odd feeling about her but he could never really pinpoint what it was.
Maybe this was it, maybe she was really a freak between the sheets. Could it be? His eyes widen at the thought that she could be. With that petite body of hers, he quickly thought of a million things he could do her.
“What are you saying? That we should have a live practical right here in the office? Why don’t you come and get to it then?” Oyinda who was the center of attention at the moment sneered.
“Well, I am the one whose dick sucking or f*cking skills is in doubt here.” Tess quietly said.
This response drew out another round of cheers from the little crowd. They were just six in the office right now, three guys to three ladies. Perfect, Ifeanyi thought to himself, one on one combo if shit was about to get real. He noticed Kunle had moved closer to the door and winked at him. He smiled, there was a hundred percent chance that the office was about to be lit.
“That’s true sha. You are the one on the hot seat now, Oyinda” Kene, the third guy in the office said.
“I am not disputing that fact but I am only going for a practical if Tess and Amaka too would show off their skills. Simple”
“Me?! I don’t have skills oo” Amaka busted out laughing. Only thing she seemed good at, Ifeanyi scoffed.
“You don’t have skills and yet you want to watch practical? Madam come and be going home jare”
Kunle said to her as he held the door wide open. 
“I have no problem with Oyinda’s demands. Absolutely fine with me” Tess said in a low voice.
“You see, na person be that. I like you jare, Tess” Ifeanyi said as he walked towards her and gave her a high five.
“You guys should chill out na. I didn’t said I wasn’t down. I just said I don’t have skills. Dick sucking skills”. Amaka explained.
“Well what skills do you possess?” Kunle gave her a huge smile.
“Well, well” Amaka was all smiles and blushing now.
“Madam talk and stop fronting na” Ifeanyi grew impatient.
“Calm down na” Amaka was enjoying the spotlight.
“Just answer the question” Tess joined.
“Alright. I can ride a dick better than any lady you guys have ever seen or f*cked.”
Kunle didn’t know when he let out a silent whistle.
“Ok since we are all game then. I get to pick the guy whose dick I wanna blow” Oyinda added.
“Sure na. That’s your call” Ifeanyi said while saying a silent prayer that she shouldn’t pick him. He would so prefer getting down with Tess and see what she could really do. And on the other hand he wouldn’t mind Amaka riding him o with that fat ass and if she was even half as good as she claimed then it was going to be a ride to heaven.
“Oya let’s get down to business, hope no one here is a loud ‘cumer’ sha?” Oyinda asked.
“Which was be loud ‘cumer’ again?” Kunle asked as he locked the office door and went to sit right beside Tess.
Ifeanyi noticed this but said nothing, apparently he was not the only one who had Tess in mind.
“You don’t hear all those guys who make it seem like their dying when they are cumming? With all those loud groans. You go think say na Rapture.” Amaka explained.
“Ohh, I can’t speak for anyone else but me, I am not a loud ‘cumer’ o” Kene said.
“That’s even good because it is your d*ck I want to blow” Oyinda said.
“Oshe badoo!” Amaka hailed with both hands in the air.
“Well then, let’s get down to it. Let’s see if you can make my day” Kene wasted no time in getting to undo his belt buckle.
“Oga, you better get a chair to sit on. I don’t want you collapsing on me” Oyinda advised.
“Really? He go need sit down. E sure for this girl gan o” Kunle whined.
“Well na she be the boss” Kene said as he pulled up a chair and sat on it. His belt buckle was undone but he made no move to get his dick out.
Oyinda didn’t worry about that either, she knelt before him and closed her legs. Kene threw his hands behind his head interlocking them while he had a mischievous grin on his face.
What was he feeling so fly for? Ifeanyi thought to himself as everyone watched Oyinda in utter silence. She let her hand into his pants and looked up at Kene with a weird look on her face.
Kunle frowned a little as he thought of what was possibly wrong. He didn’t have to think for long as Oyinda slowly pulled Kene’s d*ck out. This was no dick, this was a monster. Her hands struggled to wrap around it properly while her thumb could not reach up to it’s slit.
“Jesus!” Tess gasped out.
“Oboy eyy, this na real enter the dragon” Ifeanyi chipped in.
“Thank God I didn’t even pick Kene to ride, I would just pass out on that dick” Amaka said.
“Please Kene, one question. Please how long is your dick? I need to know”. Tess asked quietly.
“I have never measured actually, maybe Oyinda can tell us when she finished measuring with her mouth” Kene answered, still with the smirk on his face.
Everyone turned to look at Oyinda who had not said a word so far. She just kept staring at the dick she was struggling to hold in her hand. Everyone watched, then she kissed the dick.
....to be continued (stay tuned).
Credits: Hot Pulse

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