I met Clara at Kennedy’s graduation party while I was in my final year, the event that played out that is one that you can’t imagine how and why it happened but this was what happened.
Kennedy just finished cutting his graduation cake and the crowd of friends that gathered just finished cheering as the Mc took the microphone and made an announcement that anybody who comes out and sing a birthday song for kennedy takes home a bottle of wine, the crowd was silent as no hand was up, just about when the Mc was about moving to the next turn of event, a girl out the crowd raised her hand up as the M.C said “Finally we have a hand up” and crowd attention turned backward to catch a glimpse of the girl as they paved way for her to walk to the center stage, she had this petite stature and a nice boob shape, fair in complexion with her free flowing hair that she lets dance to breeze, she grabbed the microphone and then began to sing, standing beside Kennedy I leaned forward and whispered in his ears “That’s my wife” and Kennedy turned as he stared at me and said “That’s my wife not your bro”, I was at pissed Kennedy as I turned to walk out on him as he grabbed my shirt and drew me back saying “Finish school first, let me have this one”, I don’t this girl from anywhere but I dont know why the thoughts of Kennedy with her and not me irrated me so much that I threw a punch at him and next thing I could remember we were on the floor rolling on the ground with the remaining cake rubbed all over our body and voices of girls screaming was what I could remember and then they found a way to seperate us and then I walked out of the party into the dark cold night, ashamed of myself for creating such scene at my elder brothers graduation party.
The beep of my message tone from my phone was what woke me up the next morning and the message reads “If you want her much as I do lets place a wager, whoever she accept his marriage proposal wins” and the text message was from Kennedy, I knew then on that the battleline has been drawn, the race to win a woman’s heart is not won by muscle or money but by her alone for she chooses whom she wants to be with.
I set out on a journey to find this girl before Kennedy gets a hold of her and then I loose out in this wager, I combed Kennedy’s department all day hoping her path and mine would cross but yet that day proved to be fruitless and I continued for another week and yet no result was coming forth, that evening I went out with a friend of mine to have dinner at the schools canteen only for me to walk in and then I saw the girl from the party sitting at a table with friends and was eating, I hurriedly walked up to her table and said “Hi ladies” as I stretched my hand towards her and pushed my hands off as one of the best accent to ever come out of woman’s mouth “Hey bruv, I fink you must have forgotten your manners, you want to infect my food with germs from ya hand?”, she was bitchy yet oozing out sexiness, if it was some skank I would not waste a minute to walk out on her, “Am sorry cupcake!” so I apologised and she didn’t even bother responding as she continued her discussion with her friend which she made obvious that I was disturbing her, so I stretched my hand again this time and touched her slightly on her shoulder as she grimmed her face as she turned towards me “you fink I dunno you? your the guy who fights in public places, so what do you think I’ll wanna do with such kinda guy” she asked as she opened her eyes wider and waved her hand then made a smack sound with her mouth and turned back to her friend, I wasn’t going to be shoved over easily so I had resolved and would do anything to win Kennedy.
Just as I stretched my hand to touch her again, her friend just shouted “Hey you lowlife, why don’t you take you and filthy loins somewhere else?” I was shocked at the choice of words of her friend as I raised my hand to give her friend a dirty slap and she just burst into laughter “Go ahead mr fighter! you think flexing your muscles would earn you respe..” those words weren’t said complete when her friend grabbed her glass of drink and poured it on, I was caught in total shock as Clara and pushed me away when I tried to struggle to get a hold of her friend and she got angry too, grabbed her own glass of drink and poured it on me too saying “Your a disgrace, how dare you fight with a woman in public” as the both carried their handbags and ran out of the canteen.
To be continued.... [Watch out for Part 3on this page]
Written by
Husband Material (Nobel Laureate)
Twitter: @husband_materia
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