All the hours I sat starring at my phone screen and wishing that Clara’s call would come through was all in vain as she spent her time with Kennedy, visiting all the fun spots, Kennedy took her shopping and even bought matching bracelets and made her swore to always have it on her hand forever, their new found friendship was filled with all the glitz and pomp of true love, Kennedy kept sending text messages to me about all his dealings with Clara, text messages like “We are off to elegushi beach” I needed not introduction from him about who the “we” in the text represents and I have done a thorough search on all these fun spots not knowing that Kennedy gives me opposite direction of the location he was anytime they went out.
Angry at myself for not jotting her number down and then really pissed at her for not calling, my friend who was aware of the wager I had with Kennedy made me his mocking object as he teased me about loosing on the wager.
In anger Ileft the house to a beer parlour joint and drank heavily, loosing is something I hate being identified with and that really hurt me badly, I drank late into the night and then staggered my way home, whistling paul simons “crazy after all these years” as I walked the bush path that leads to the hostel, almost at the last bend to get to the hostel, I saw two boys all masked and then pointing a torch as they stood still there, I was too scared to go further, caught in between going back or front and that was when I heard footsteps at my back.
I turned and saw Clara walking towards me, even in the darkest of night I could recognise Clara, she has that gait that you could use to easily identify her, I held her by the hand as she tried to shout in fear and shock, I used my hand to cover her mouth so as not to let her scream and then dragged her into the bush, I whispered into her ears
“Its me Kenneth the fighter at the party”
She was calm a bit as I pointed the impending danger that she would have gracefully walked into, then I removed my hand from her mouth as she whispered back at me
“I thought you are power micheal, why don’t you go and beat them since all you do is beat up people”
I couldn’t but wonder how she could crack jokes in the face of death, as my body was trembling in fear and not long after the guys on mask began to walk towards our direction but they walked past us as we both heaved a sign of relief, and then walked out of the bush slowly, scared that they might have laid ambush for us as we walked slowly in fear as she held my hand and then said
“Please can I stay over at your place, my lodge is very far from here and am scared of what these guys might do to me”
Who was I to say no to such an offer?, she fixed her phone in my other palm as we walked to the door of my house and entered, I offered her towel to have her bath and then gave her my boxers and shirt to wear for the night, we got talking on how to curb my anger as we watched a movie together in the parlour, there was this strange connection as we kept smiling each time our eyes meet, next her head was on my shoulder as she caressed my chest and joked about me not having a six pack body build, caught in a moment of stare as we kissed so passionately and then she pushed me away
“Sorry please I have had too much to drink, am not myself” she said
But I ignored those words as I placed my hand on her thighs and was massaging it slowly while I began to take off her clothes as she just bowed her head down in total submissed, my hands in her inner thighs I moved my right hand to her pussy area, and then placed my thumb and index finger on her clit as she let out moans of “Arrrrghhh!, just like that”
I made her clit stay in between my thumb and index finger and then began to massage her clit with my middle finger, she raised her head up and kept hitting the back of her head on the foam………’
She slept off in total weakness from the two bout of hardcore sex and then I smuggled her phone and got her number, the next morning she woke up with too many questions “Hope we did not do anything last night” she asked, I just stared at her with no explanation, as she dressed up that morning sitting beside me ready to leave my house she said
“I like you because I feel I can change you, there is this guy thats in my life, he has been good and I really dont think I can hurt him”
She stood and headed for the door the moment those words came out of her mouth, I began to beg
“Clara please what we had lastnight was real and it was that moment I realised how special you are to me”
She opened the to leave and then curved her head back facing me as she muttered
“Count yourself lucky, this guy am telling you I don’t want to hurt haven’t seen my pant”
To be continued
Written by
Husband Material (Nobel Laureate)
Twitter: @husband_materia
BBpin: 2A8B8D8F
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