Saturday, 26 July 2014

Who Is Her Choice {Part 3} - Husband Material

continued from part 2

Never in my life was I humilated like this before by a girl in public but this was a game and one which I would not like to loose for anything, I watched them leave the restuarant helplessly.

Kennedy knew where to find Clara because he recognised her face and it looked like one from his department but not his level, so he asked the right people and he was directed to where Clara attends her lectures and waited for her as I peeped through the window to see her cladded in a blue jean trouser and white shirt that revealed her cleavage and Kennedy waited patiently for the unending lecture to come to an end but it seemed like eternity and then inside the class the lecturer asked a question and then asked Clara to answer it, she stood up slowly as she looked a bit scared and then said “No Idea sir” and the lecturer gave a stare of someone pissed as he just looked at her through his glasses and said quietly
“Please leave my class”

She obeyed almost immediately as she grabbed her handbag and took the walk of shame out of the class, as I met her walking towards the school garden, from behind Kennedy approached her and then asked her
“Please can you give me a minute of your precious time”

Keeping the cool of gentleman and she just shook her head and kept walking, Kennedy wouldn’t ‘No’ for an answer as he followed her closely
“I saw what happened in your class dear”

That seemed to have got Clara as she turned and looked at him closely as she asked
“And you are who?”

That was one question Kennedy couldn’t find the right answer for as he then stood by her side and then talked in a low tone

“Am someone who has been your secret admirer for a long time and have decided to take a wild guess and give love a chance”

Flattery is an art Kennedy knew how to apply and was using it at its best this moment, she smiled as her clean set of white dentition shun so bright under the scorching sun outside

“Seriously am not cut out for all these, you can see that I was walked out of the class and that means I have to take my studies seriously”

She said and kennedy smiled scratching his beard and then said boldly
“If sharing my wealth knowledge would give me the opportunity of getting to see you everyday, that am willing to do”

And yes Kennedy was no pushover, he is intelligent and very versatile when it comes to education, so Kennedy talked Clara into going for lunch together, as they strolled towards the canteen with Kennedy clutching Clara’s back like a lover drunk in the love and was staggering in its excesses, and that was when I saw the both of them from the three storey building of my department building, I couldn’t believe my eyes as I ran downstairs and trailed them as they walked to the canteen and sat down with Kennedy placing order for food and acting the gentleman as he helped her carry her food and placed it on the table, opened her drink and poured it into the glass for her to drink, they laughed as they ate while I was boiling in volcanic anger.

I waited patiently from the corner where I sat and watched them, an hour later they were out of the canteen, standing in front of the canteen they both exchanged numbers and then walked different direction, I hid for Kennedy not to see me and then kept following Clara, I trailed her until she got to the park where buses that convey students to their hostel were, I ran to her with all seriousness and then closely followed her at the back so that I could sit beside her in the bus, not long after the bus moved that she recognised me and then frowned her face as she turned her face the opposite direction
“Hello dearie, its a small world you know”

I said trying to be civil as she did not respond and then I continued
“Am truly sorry about the incident of the other day”

And that was when she looked at me and then hissed

“Fighting has not solved any problem and if you continue in that direction you would hurt yourself”
She said and then kept her face straight, I tried to apologise more now that I have gotten her attention
“Am truly sorry and wish you can forgive me” I said

She was quiet for a while as the bus was getting close to where we all would alight and then she said
“Its your type that would beat your wife when you get married, and wife battering is the worst crime against humanity, you have to change”

I was happy that she was atleast talking to me but sad that what we were talking about wasn’t about how we would date so I cut her short and said

“Teach me how to control my anger please, I believe with you I can be a better man”

She gave out a big grin, turned to me with her breath been felt on my chest

“Will you be willing to learn?” she asked

“Yes of course, teach me please I really want to change” I said

She dipped her hand into her purse and brought out her phone and then stretched it towards me
“punch your number here, I’ll give you a call and then teach you how” she said meekly
I hurriedly punched my numbers into her phone as the bus came to an abrupt stop and we all began to alight from the bus, we shook hands as we came down from the bus, few steps further she turned her head to my direction and said

“My name is Clara” and walked away
Its three days since Clara collcted my number with a promise to call but yet no call, I have called back every strange number that called my line since the day I met Clara yet none seem to be her.

To be continued.... 

Written by
Husband Material (Nobel Laureate)
Twitter: @husband_materia
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