Monday, 28 July 2014

Who Is Her Choice {Part 5} - Husband Material

 (Continued from part 4)

Kennedy and Clara went out on a date together, sitting in the comfy of a five star lounge as they had drinks, Kennedy in his heart felt that this was the right time to pop the question to know if he has won the wager, in his heart he doesn’t have any atom of feelings for her and having played his game to the letter and perfected his act of fake romance, he was sure in his heart that she wouldn’t turn him down, having made prior arrangement with the waitress at the lounge, in the third order of their glass of wine, she was to slip the engagement ring into Clara’s glass of wine, but he gave the waitress a safe word which was “put it” if he said the word thrice when she comes to serve them their second round of wine and hears that, she should go ahead with the plan.

Kennedy felt the mood was right and in the third order he made use of the safe word thrice as planned
“put it here”

“If you put it here, the wine would fall of the table”

“In overseas this is how we put it”

The waitress understood immediately and when it was time for the third order, the plan was hatched, she served them their drinks and walked away, wishing in her heart that she was the one sitting there, while a fine gentleman like kennedy goes on his knees and propose to her, not even has she moved a few steps did Clara call her back

“There is something in this drink, come take it back”

All the waitress could do was give a smile with a big grin and that was when Kennedy knelt down as he grabbed the glass of wine and drank all its liquid content and brought out the ring and said
“Clara I have been having these thoughts for quiet a long time now and I think the time is right” stuttering as he complete his last words “Will you marry me”

Her face void of any facial expression, she seemed not to find the right words as she pushed her chair back, stood up and ran out of the lounge, leaving her purse and Kennedy who was still in the kneeling position devasted.
Not knowing that Kennedy had proposed to Clara, I on the other hand was planning my own form of engagement, something that would shove Kennedy off as a competitor, that evening I prepared a sumptous meal of rice and chicken, with a bottle of wine to relax as we watch the new DVD movie I bought for the occasion.

At exactly 5:45pm Clara was at my door, My room well decorated and scented to perfection, and we had dinner together, talking about virtually all that had to do with her in my future, I packed the dishes to the kitchen and came out with a Knife and a wine opener, she made mockery of me the moment she sighted me with the knife

“Hope am safe, this one your having a knife in your hand” she asked.

I dropped the wine opener as I crawled to her by the bedside with the knife still in my hand
“Dearie I love you so much and I don’t want to loose you, I want us to take a blood oath”

I don’t know if I meant it but something about it felt right as those words came out of my mouth, she stared at me for a while, stood up, dust the particles of the apple she was eating that fell on her skirt and hanged her purse and said “Please can I go now?”

Startled with her reaction, I threw the knife on the floor and walked away in the kitchen.
Clara ran to her bestfriends room, banging on the door so hard as if she wants to pull it down and her friendly hurriedly opened the door to let her in, she didn’t say a word to her friend as she walked past her and walked to the fridge, took a sachet of water and gulped all as she turned to her friend

“Babe am the most confused person on earth right now, am in love with two guys”

After Clara had explained her predicament to her friend, all she advice was
“Put them to a test, whoever wins is the right person”

To be continued ...

Written by
Husband Material (Nobel Laureate)
Twitter: @husband_materia
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